duminică, 4 ianuarie 2009

in joaca - in play cu "google translate"...

un amic imi spunea mai deunazi despre google translate...iar azi dupa ce pusei randurile anterioare, tot el pe cartea fetii imi posta un comentariu in romana...nimic deosebit, doar ca omul e sarb si nu vorbeste o boaba romaneste...de aici imi veni ideea sa vaz cum imi traduce google scriitura...

a friend called me the other day about google translate ... and today after it put out earlier, all the card fetii I post a comment in english ... nothing special, just as man is not speaking Serbian and a Romanian boaba .. . I come here vaz idea how I translate google writing ...LOL (those are mine:)

and here is the other thing translated:

left, then right
Today I made the first steps
on paper,
a little shaky and uncertain,
after all these years of silence.
I do not know who he pushed?
was probably the wind,
or a friendly hand,
or nestiutoare?
Now I fear ....
I stop.

I walk for a while
until I start to run
I impiedic yet
every step.
I try to remember,
how was it?
left, then? right after that?
do not know, but mechanical
I repeat: left, then right,
and again ...
I wake up that are not in the same place,
me great, and I was glad.
left, then right

now if you did the effort to read up to here I got a reward for you. I worked it a bit and polished Google translation, trying to give it a meaning closer to what I wanted in the first place. I am still missing one word where I couldn't beat Google and did the same (left it in original - romanian LOL... Here is my translation:

left, then right
today I made the first steps
on paper,
a little shaky and uncertain,
after all these years of silence.
I do not know, who pushed me?
was probably the wind,
or a friendly hand,
or nestiutoare?
now I fear ....
to stop.

I will walk for a while
until I start to run
still stumbling
at every step.
I try to remember,
how it used to be?
left, then? right, after that?
do not know, but mechanically
I repeat: left, then right,
and again ...
I wake up each time in a different spot,
feeling great, feeling happy.
left, then right

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